"She is a poet's imagination, a reality turned dream, truely a gods creation, a beautiful flower just blossoming for me, magical creation, spellbindingly beautiful. No! Beautiful is too harsh a word to describe her. I have been studying her since i gained my senses. Her every little glimpse has provided me with the inspiration and unknown energy for so long. Glimpses are all that i have been stealing from her. She doesn't still know me yet and i don't want her to. I am quite content with her glimpses alone. I can't dare to spoil it all for this stupid reason."
"I can't help but smile from within whenever i see her. She seems to smile back at me. I get the feeling of being lost in paradise. Sometimes she throws me a strange and offended look. Maybe she gets conscious and offended of being watched and followed by an unknown person like me. I feel guilty. But she compensates for this with her charismatic nature. She smiles at every other person she meets. Like me, she can't be angry with someone for long."
"She is the one i have been looking for all my life. Now i have found her but i still won't try to get any closer to her. This is not the appropriate time. For the time being i am happy with whatever i am getting; those precious inspiring and satisfying glimpses. Maybe it's enough fore lifetimes. I don't want to derail her off track for my happiness. I am just enjoying her presence as she is enjoying her life. And how enjoyable her life is. At least it seems so. Everybody loves her."
"One day, maybe our tracks will become the same and she will be all mines. But it will come with time only. I won't be unhappy even if the day never comes. She doesn't belong to me and i am happy with whatever little happiness i have got till now. I will think she wasn't ever destined to be mine. Just her being happy is enough for me. Actually whatever little amount of happiness i have got is too much for a lifetime as short as this."
Mr. Psychic saves the file and gets a printout. He gets up from his chair and starts reading what he has written. “I have tried my best and still i can't explain it to myself?, “ he says to himself.” This writing seems so inadequate and hollow.” He safely puts the printout in file and sits down on the couch, freeing all his weight on it. Then he smiles.”Well then, i give up. To describe her is beyond my limits. My whole vocabulary would be insufficient to describe her. She is 'so simple yet so complex’. His smile vanishes. And why should i describe her? She is all mine and why should anyone else know about her?"
And why should you know about her?,” he shouts at himself .The window panes tremble as a consequence. Then there is again a graveyard silence.
Mr. Psychic reaches out for his jacket and feels inside it. He grins in anticipation of something. His hand slowly comes out of the jacket. There is a revolver in his hand. Quite calmly he rests the nozzle on his right temple .He gives a psychic, mysterious smile. Then .........and then slowly he pulls the trigger...........bang.........silence....
Jun 23, 2006
Its dark….nothing was visible…..slowly I started to see something…….may be its b’coz I just entered from light to that room……….now I can see blur images of everything……….it was a room with four windows n a door…..all windows n door was closed..….and I looked around to find out where I was……and I saw image of someone…….he was coming close to me…….I was scared……so scared ….that no words came out of my mouth………n I suddenly cried out…….”who the hell r u?”……and he whispered” r u alright?....I donno what m doing here too…but don’t cry I won’t do anything….”…..I stopped crying…I believed him…..and he came close to me….sat down ….and when he sat by my side one window opened…it’s like magic…and some light came into the room through that window..….and I can see him………he was watching me n smiling at me….may be he was thinking who is this stupid gal just shouted me before some time……..or may be his smile doesn’t mean anything…or may be he wanted to make me feel comfortable………by then my fear had gone too far but I was shy to talk to him……..now after a long silence he asked “who r u? Can we be friends?”….I was still feeling shy to talk to him…..and I answered “m daza…we just met…friendship is little too early for us….don’t u think so?...…”….now in that room only with some visible light I was sitting with stranger who wants to be my friend…….then he said”ok then lets talk about us…so that we can know each other and we will be friends….”..there is no other option for me……what else we can do in that room except talking and we started talking about frens …about life…about us…..and I found out that we both liked same things….most of the thing we talked about is just alike……….his habits n mine…his way of taking life n mine…his jokes for which I laughed n laughed…….I thought that I had never met someone who is so compatible with me……like we were made from same soil…..god gifted me someone whom I can understand so easily…whom I can believe in…who will care about me all my life……..n I was feeling that…in that corner of dark room I found heaven…….I was so happy like I was never before……when I felt like that another window opened and some more light entered the room………now I can see him clearly…..he is like the man from my fairytale…..someone I dreamt of all the years from my childhood till now….and his smile brightened my life…..and when he was talking I was watching him….I felt like if I could I will capture those words coming out from his mouth n store them in somewhere from where they won’t ever come out….now I was saying nothing only listening to him….and more he talked more I wanted to hear….and I stopped talking ‘coz if I will talk he will stop n I will lose some moment of hearing his voice…..n more I heard more I was feeling sth strange inside me……it was happiness or sth I don’t know……but I was drowning in something deeper n deeper……and suddenly I hold his hands……he stopped talking n stared at me for some moment…..and again he smiled n hold my hands tightly in his hands……..and then the third window opened……the room was quite filled with light by then…..and then I remembered to look around again……and I saw there was nothing in the room….except we two holding hands…….the room is empty……..n we still feeling so happy to be with each other……….and I even don’t know who he was…. then I asked him” who r u stranger?”……he smiled back again m said “I m love”…….I didn’t knew what he was saying n I asked “what is love?”……and he said “ u’re happy with me in this empty room without any conditions and without any reasons….that is love”….I didn’t understood what he was saying…..but I didn’t even asked more…I wished to understand more n ask more but I wanted the right time to come when he will answer all my questions….….and now the fourth window opened……its like miracle….n I looked at him some questions in my eyes….and he said “don’t be surprised….first window opened when u believed me….second when u started to know me…third when u felt something for me n trust a stranger with your feelings…….and this fourth window opened when u started to have gained patience” ….he is amazing all the time….n I wished if I could live all my life in this room with him…….and I hold his hand so tight with both my hands………may be some part of me is scared…scared to lose him …..and the door opened…..and he said” now the time came to leave…..to decide for life ahead n move on…..”….he took his hands from mine n started to walk towards door……..n I felt pain….his one step ahead gave me one strange pain….I followed him……we came out of that room……outside there is light everywhere so beautiful so full of everything we need……..but why is this pain?....n why is this fear?......just then he turned back…..n said ”u r in love with a stranger n this pain is b’coz we can’t go ahead together…. ”….again I didn’t said anything n he moved ahead…..I closed my eyes for second n ran back to that room…..closed all windows n door……n sat in that same corner waiting for him to come n ask “r u alright?”……but he never came……n I was still waiting in same corner…….